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Where women learn the art & soul of public speaking.





The time for feminine-centred public speaking and leadership training

that understands the genius of the feminine mind, and how it works, has come.

Our world has never been more ready or in such deep need,

of the full expression of feminine intelligence.





Why woman speak matters?


 For too long, public speaking training has fostered a masculine model of

what leadership and professionalism looks and feels like.

 This can have a detrimental effect on the self-esteem of women and girls

who desire to speak up and lead.


They look around at masculine leaders (male and female)

and subconsciously think to themselves: 

“I can’t be a leader because I don’t look or feel like that.”


“I have to hide or suppress parts of myself in order to speak up and be taken seriously.” 

This sparks feelings of self-doubt, a lack of valuing the wisdom within,

and a resistance to speaking up.

It erodes a woman’s sense of inner freedom to lead and share her mind publicly.

It’s time for a public speaking training that supports women in harnessing

the power of their feminine energy, and in being fully who they are,

as they stand up to speak, lead and change our world.




Why is womanspeak so effective?


Our unique practices help women to re-wire their nervous systems so that speaking up

becomes an experience of safety, power, joy and freedom.


WomanSpeak Circles are led with true celebration and support.


The women celebrate and support each other in speaking up and

exercising leadership and power in their careers.


WomanSpeak addresses the unique fears and doubts women have about sharing their voices.


Women feel safe to fully be themselves, to be seen and heard, and to share their ideas.


Women and their voices blossom in this kind of environment and culture.




How does womanspeak work?


Circles are designed to offer safe places for consistent practice,

which is the key to becoming a powerful speaker (whether in public or in personal conversations)

and for developing an authentic voice of leadership.


I joined Freer’s 12 week intensive WomanSpeak program and found it life changing.

It empowered me to find my voice and own my true self.

Freer created a safe and nurturing environment for us all.

It was wonderful to watch everyone blossom over the weeks and to learn from the wisdom of others in the group too.


The course gave me the confidence to become a keynote speaker for sold out events. Recent feedback I have received for my speaking engagements.

‘’You are truly an inspiration. Loved hearing your story’ ‘You were so amazing and I feel changed from your talk’ ‘Thank you for delivering these key messages in such a warm and succinct manner’.


Lija Austen Owner @ Kingscliff Saltwater Studio, Facilitator @ GreenX7, Speaker, Counsellor & amp; Coach





"Wow the magic and transformation’’

Freer provided a sacred physical space each week that was aesthetic, and had a cocooning effect on me, the textures, the colours, the lighting, the pillows, the delicious tea and food that nurtured me all of it added to the experience.


On top of that Freer then added to the energetic space to make it a haven of safety

to explore and play in every emotion and expression and deliver it for me

to be seen in my deepest truth.


It was evident of my healing and transformation and as I looked around in

was also evident that the other women were transforming each week,

becoming truer to themselves with power, integrity and clarity.


I loved every minute of this 12 week intensive course,

I look forward to arriving each week.

I feel so changed in every sense from the space and wisdom and absolute compassion Freer holds for each and every women,

regardless how I turned up each time.


Francine Barwick Creative Manager @ Nourished , WomanSpeak Leader





The first time I spoke I was trembling and felt very anxious.

I now feel so much more confident and embodied in my capability to stand

and share in front of people now.


I really understand some core differences for women and how I can use that to my advantage when presenting and feel way more confident in my expression.


So much goodness. The beautiful women, the fertile listening, the safety

and nurturing space, the laughter and fun!.

I cannot recommend Womanspeak enough!


Everyone I talk to about Womanspeak, I tell them that it’s been an absolute

game-changer for me. The fact that it’s from a woman’s perspective,

the gentle empowerment, and the fact that it’s so loving

and supportive are the main points I share.


I could not have picked a better person to guide me through this experience.

Freer’s embodiment, space holding and wisdom, as well as showing up

in her vulnerability, are the many aspects I truly value in her capability to facilitate a life-changing gift to in the world.

I particularly love the celebrations she gives. She sees us in a deep special way

and every time I felt it profoundly. Thank you Freer.



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